Monday, April 26, 2010

even a very strong coffee is not making me relax....something flowing in my mind like water in the sea, considering no boundaries, no depths and no holding back. Is the life really so complicated or we have the habit of making it so, to show the people around us that we are real tough and surviving in these 'so called' hard is considered to be the most precious gift one can get, but then why are we the puppets of the society? why cant we enjoy the most precious gift of God as we like to? why this life is influenced by so many other creatures who have their own gift to play with, but instead they enjoy screwing others' gift? why do i have to eat, drink, sleep, smile, sit, piss, after getting a go ahead from one of the other people? why cant i say that i dont want to eat because i dont want to, and why not the other people accept it rather than saying that since it is time to eat, you have to else the time would go...?
you can close this and say, what the fuck, i am talking bullshit, these are the basic things in a life and there is no point cribbing about it....but hello, thats precisely what i am trying to tell you, this is my life, not if i am cribbing, what are you so damn worried....