Monday, April 26, 2010

even a very strong coffee is not making me relax....something flowing in my mind like water in the sea, considering no boundaries, no depths and no holding back. Is the life really so complicated or we have the habit of making it so, to show the people around us that we are real tough and surviving in these 'so called' hard is considered to be the most precious gift one can get, but then why are we the puppets of the society? why cant we enjoy the most precious gift of God as we like to? why this life is influenced by so many other creatures who have their own gift to play with, but instead they enjoy screwing others' gift? why do i have to eat, drink, sleep, smile, sit, piss, after getting a go ahead from one of the other people? why cant i say that i dont want to eat because i dont want to, and why not the other people accept it rather than saying that since it is time to eat, you have to else the time would go...?
you can close this and say, what the fuck, i am talking bullshit, these are the basic things in a life and there is no point cribbing about it....but hello, thats precisely what i am trying to tell you, this is my life, not if i am cribbing, what are you so damn worried....


  1. Mature words.. And very true. I think its high time people should learn to mind their own business. Anyways, you keep it up dude!
    Good luck

  2. That's the Manuj's way of life.... Always focused... What surprise me more is the same kind of words written here as we used to talk earlier...

  3. Yes life is very precious indeed.... And we can only realize it with the people around us; people who have actually contributed in making it so special for us as well as for them....Life has to be influenced with other creature otherwise nobody would understand the value of life.

    Consider yourself a free bird..... you can only fly on your own. Nobody to accompany you on your way, nobody to share anything... Is that the way anyone can think of??

    May be there are some restrictions we have to follow may be to be disciplined or to spread smiles..... but is that wrong??

    If we think differently, in a positive way, many things in life would easy.... After all this is the Secret to Success and to say Whatever happens , happens for good.

  4. There is only one success: to be able to spend your life in your own way,and not to give others absurd maddening claims upon it. Christopher Darlington Morley

  5. Well said mayank, a perfect reference for what I wanted to say...we are mature enough to understand the rights and wrongs in our life, and we are also brave enough to live the consequences of it...

    Devleena I never wanted to say that we don't need anyone in our life...I understand the helplessness of being a free bird in the sky alone...loneliness is never being the foil on which a human being can survive...but are we so confused that others have to take the call on our behalf...

    restrictions can never bring discipline, nor understanding has to come in the picture...
    I live in a generation where whatever happens doesn't necessarily happens for good...but whatever a strong minded, light hearted, focussed, disciplined person wants to make happen, that will definitely happen and for good too...braves redefine destiny...I am a strong believer of this...

  6. What u said is true to an extent that we are all puppets of society.. Infact at times one tries to change himself/ herself so that others should be ok with it!! But that can not also make everyone happy.. So time to chill guys & not to think too much about what others are doing etc... as i feel that "Deep analysis creates Paralysis"

  7. Hi all... although I feel m bit late to comment on this blog, but as they say "it's never too late to do something gud..."

    It wud have been nice if Manuj Sir's(sorry cnt help nt calling u SIR) thoughts wud have been possible to be practically implemented.

    Yes; mostly people are puppets...mere mortals with no power to control their lives...Power has been duly handed over to Physical things by none other than Humans only...

    If we just take a very very basic example like of students going to schools & colleges..
    Education has lost its real meaning in today's world & has minimized only to be a gateway to be rich...Majority of the students take up studies with their choices not being virtue of their passion rather virtue of their aspirations to have hefty wallets...Their is no problem in with the desire to be financially well settled in life, but when people give more importance to money then their passions...problems emerge not only for them , but for everyone around them...

    People think the only scale to measure success is one's bank statement...strange but very much true...& I am very much sure that a large part of our so-called "SOCIETY" affirms this..

    Although , there are people ,less but yet not negligible.. that know that Life is all about pursuing your Dreams & Passions & not about wasting time in increasing your bank balance & then showing it off to others...

    So, the problem arises when these "FUN people" clash with the "Social guards of our Society"...Numbers catch up...& the formers give up to the pressure...(Sumtimes its over even before the fight begins)

    The point here is that instead of urging others to change, one shud try to live like one wants to , dnt give a damn & if somebody objects v shud be ready to deal with it & tell that
    "My Life, My way".

  8. instead of 'mortals' its 'immortals'
