Friday, December 31, 2010

Lets Hope, one more time.......

And it ends here....ohh not the life, but the year. Yes friends, 2010 ends here and we all welcome 2011 with great anticipation and joy in our eyes. no matter how tough the year was for anyone in this world, the power of hope is so strong that each individual would be thinking that the new year would bring happiness and prosperity in his/her life. such is the power of hope really.

You know "The Shawshank Redemption" is my favorite movie. Its one of the great classics which i can watch over and over again. In that movie, there is a phase when the two central characters talk about "HOPE". In one of the scenes, Tim Robbins played a music record in the prison and got punished because of doing that. The punishment was severe and he was sent to something called as black hole for 2 weeks where there was no ray of light. When he comes back and meet his prison colleagues, everyone asked him about how it was there and what kept him calm there in that hole. And Tim Robbins very politely answers, "Hope". For some, hope could be a very dangerous thing. It can drive a man insane. But for most, hope could be the ray of light which Tim Robbins got when he was in the black hole. Hope could be the lifeline for a person dying, it could be the path shown by the God where a person could walk and reach the desired destination. Morgan Freeman, during that phase of the movie iterated the negative side of hope. He was portrayed as a man who had spend 25 years of his life in prison and thus has lost hope of going out. for him, the prison was the home now and he was happy there. He had started thinking that if he goes out, the outer world would be unmanagable for him. In prison, people know him and he was having some respect, but the outside world may not treat him the way he was treated in prison. I liked the word he used in the movie, Institutionalized, which means commited to one institution. Of course, for him the institution was this prison. And for him, hope of going out was actually negative because if that hopw would have came true, then he wouldnt have survived outside. Thats why i said that hope for some people could be harmful. But Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. So till the world is alive, the hope is alive. Even Morgan Freeman learnt this at the end of the movie :-)

Just like everyone else in this world, i too had a eventful year. Hang on, can anyone stand up and say that his/her year was uneventful, i dont think so. One year is such a long time that one cannot hide away from the good and the bad things happening across. you have to live, or actually survive the high and the low tides of the life. and thats what i had been through. i wont say that my time was the toughest because i have seen people struggling in their lives more than i do. I saw Rattanlal in the Cancer Aid Association office who was requesting with folded hands to get some ration for his family. But he could not get the handful of ration because he was not a cancer patient but a TB patient. He was asked to go to a TB Aid Association. I saw tears in his eyes, not because he was hungry, but his family was. I saw a three a kid there who has just started his life and is actually unaware that he is suffering from cancer. All he wants is a bat and a ball to play. The food, the clothes, sweets, pepsi...nothing doing for him, just wants bat and ball.

I am happy that i am doing my bit for the society. and i am thankful to God and to few people in my office who gave me this opportunity. Though that bit is very very small, but we always start with a drop of water even if we have to fill the whole bucket. And i want to request each and everyone of you to take a pledge that we together will do something for the society where we live in. God has made us strong enough, both in terms of health and in terms of finance, to do something for those who need. if not money, lets spread love and affection among people we meet...the world is full of pain and a little smile from our side help in reduction of this pain.

The year saw the launch of "". Oh yes, i started blogging in this year only and in April came my first blog. Thanks to each one of you who took the pain to read the blogs and then give comment also. though i force some of you to give comments, and some may feel bad about the force being exerted by my side, i still appreciate the effort of yours. Hope many more blogs to come...........

Love, the most important 4 letter world. Always love. Love your elders, love your youngers, love your friends, your partners, love rich, love poor, love everyone who touches your life in someway or the other...spread love and get love. Hope for good. Work hard to achieve what you hope. In Shawshank Redemption, Tim Robbins took 19 years to make a tunnel with a 9" rock hammer. Hope was there to go out of prison, and he kept his hope alive for 19 years and worked hard towards it. Smile, laugh, forget, be noble, be merciful, thank people, be positive, be thoughful, dont just be smart, be wise and smart.

A very happy new year to all of you. Hope 2011 brings more joy in your lives. Hope the actions of 2010 results in formulating of happiness in 2011. Lets be more tough, because life will be more hard, more challenging. God Bless all.


  1. H - Honest
    O - opportunity
    P - patience
    E - Effective

    Hope is One thing which help us to lead our life
    and once we loose hope its the end of life ..... Coz we never get what we want easily .... :)

  2. Awesome thoughts!!! M impressed 2nd time..First time I was when i saw Shawshank Redememption n today also.. :-)
    I tooo firmly believe that hope keeps us going!! and still remember the punchline of Shawshank Redemption - "FEAR CAN HOLD YOU PRISONER & HOPE CAN SET YOU FREE"..

    Lets all spread Hope, happiness & Love in everyone's life!! :)

  3. Your best blog till date sir,,,Happy New Year..n Keep blogging!!!

  4. Dada....awsum....Summerized 1 yr on 1 page...

  5. hmmm...... M speechless... no words to say about this......awsum.

    This is the best thought anyone can have..and promising to be a part of gud works happening around us for the sake of society.

    Expecting many more blogs from u bhai...keep blogging.

    You don't seem to realize that a poor person who is unhappy is in a better position than a rich person who is unhappy. Because the poor person has hope. He thinks money would help.

    !!!!!!!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL !!!!!!!!!!

  6. Very Well Said Sirji... One day a king asked bhagwaan buddha that who is the biggest losser in the world, Bhagwaan Buddha smiled and said the one who has lossed his hope... If you have lost everything u have earned in your life u can get it all back, the only thing u need is hope.

  7. Manuj,

    Every time you force us to comment on your blog... and every time you make us speechless...

    I know the day when you forced me to watch The Shawshank Redemption Movie when we were sitting together in BT. At first it was just a movie but later on I feel the meaning behind the it was not jst a story it was actually a lesson to everytime we engaged in some small issues and feel ourselves down...but see the condition of Tom he struggled for 19 yrs to get out of it...and the only thing/power which was supporting him was his own HOPE...

    Also i am speechless on the the condition of the person who was begging for food...We all are very lucky to be in very good condition... as surely we all should give our little...bcoz every little we all share will become a very bog help for those who actually need us...

    Bt now i dnt want to be speechless...I want myself & you all guys...come forward for helping others... may be financially and if not then... Spread love...spread also work more the financial help...

    And at last but not the least Manuj it is very inspiring & encouraging...and i mst say keep blogging...because everyone is known abt these all things...but u knw na...sometime we need a light to make things visible...and ur blog is a kind of light for see what we all have already forgotten...

    Nitin Narang (NCS)

  8. Very nice ,,,,it really touched me.It reminds of the words from a gr8t man Albert Einstein "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”I strongly feel hope is necessary to keep gives strength to face the low /high tides of life.a very good writing indeed..your blog pushes me to watch The Shawshank flashes me my the last year and i feel glad hope gives me all courage to fight against odds.
    And finally i am totally agree with you that we shld do sumthg for our society...i started somethg few months back and glad to know tht am able to bring smiles to few faces and hoping to take it to new level in this new year!!

  9. A very Happy New Year to all... I wish this hope remains in everyone as this would let us take challenges in all high and low times..

    Very true that life will be more hard, more challenging, so I always hope for the best, believes in Whatever happens, happens for good.

    Thanks Manuj for writing this blog... Keep writing.

  10. This is not a comment! This really isn't. Its pure relfection of my thoughts and emotions that are oozing out after reading this blog. Don't know if its the right place to write my thoughts and show my emotions but I don't know any better place.
    At once it gives me an elated feeing that my dearest friend has developed such mature thoughts and how well he has learnt the art of articulating the same.. But as I go deep, I feel the pain and the bearing hidden inside. I may be wrong but I am sure I am not.. For gold to come in its purest form, it has to go through the flames. And thats what its ought to be to become valuable (read priceless for humans)

    The connecting point here again is only one thing.. HOPE! I have high hopes and I pray my hopes turn into reality soon. For the poor man was not crying because he was hungry but his family was... Similarly it doesn't really affect me if I dont get what I wish but it does when my loved ones have a craving and a longing for their desires, dreams and HOPES coming true.

    As for the blog/read: certainly its your best work yet. Keep it up and keep it going too! Wish the new year turns everyone's and especially yours, all hopes into reality and May we continue to hope for the better day and the better life ahead.

    Wishing you love, health, peace and abundance in the new year and the new dacade.
